Sunday, May 25, 2008

You Never Know When You're Gonna Get Wet

We just got back from a wonderful vacation at Disneyland, Universal Studios, Sea World, San Diego Zoo and snorkeling at The Cove in La Jolla. It was the dream honeymoon we should have gone on eight years ago. The theme was "you never know when you're gonna get wet".

With temperatures pushing the 90's, 10 degrees above normal, water was the thought on everyone's mind. Thankfully, the heat didn't put a damper on our spirits too much. We just put on sunblock and headed for the water rides. I can't spend the time to bore you with a travel log. I'll just post some photo highlights as I can.


Shumster said...

sounds like you guys had a great time. i love the pic

Melanie said...

That sounds like sooooo much fun! Can we come next time?!